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Winter is Here – What Happens to My Lawn?


Dec 7, 2020 2:15:30 PM

Is winter lawn care at the bottom of your to-do list? You may want to reconsider! While caring for your lawn in the winter is less demanding, it’s just as important as any other season. Support your yard to bounce back just in time for spring with these simple tips!

Start Your Winter Lawn Care


During the warmer season months, your lawn can become compacted from the extra foot traffic from kids, pets, and backyard gatherings. Aerating your lawn before the first freeze can loosen the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach deeper into your soil. If you have the necessary equipment, you can perforate yourself or call a professional service.


Applying fertilizer nourishes your lawn with the nutrients and minerals needed to prepare for and endure the winter. Come spring, your lawn will use these stored nutrients to replenish itself for the upcoming growing season.


WhatHappenstoMyLawn-21Remove Debris
Cleaning up your lawn can take some time, but raking fallen leaves and removing debris is an essential part of winter lawn care. If left to sit, moisture can become trapped underneath and lead to mold and disease. Add raking and shoveling to your weekly schedule to avoid an intimidating build up of leaves, debris, snow, or ice this winter!  Don’t forget to safely store any outdoor furniture and lawn care equipment that’s left out.

WhatHappenstoMyLawn-22Clear Ice and Snow
Be prepared to clear walkways, driveways, and sidewalks this winter to ensure you and your family have a safe path to and from your home. Before the snow and ice arrive, check your supplies to make sure you have a snow shovel and ice melt on hand. Purchasing these items early will ensure you don’t overpay when the demand increases as the first winter storm rolls in. To prevent unnecessary damage to your lawn, avoid shoveling the ice melt (or rock salt) into your grass. 

WhatHappenstoMyLawn-27Maintain Equipment
If you didn’t manage to clean and maintain your lawn care equipment in the fall, now is a great time to get them cleaned up and ready for spring. Tune-up your tools and store them in a dry, protected place until they’re needed again next season.



Read More on Winter Lawn Care

WhatHappenstoMyLawn-13During the warmer season months, your lawn can become compacted from the extra foot traffic from kids, pets, and backyard gatherings. Aerating your lawn before the first freeze can loosen the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to reach deeper into your soil. If you have the necessary equipment, you can perforate yourself or call a professional service.


WhatHappenstoMyLawn-14Applying fertilizer nourishes your lawn with the nutrients and minerals needed to prepare for and endure the winter. Come spring, your lawn will use these stored nutrients to replenish itself for the upcoming growing season.


WhatHappenstoMyLawn-15Cleaning up your lawn can take some time, but raking fallen leaves and removing debris is an essential part of winter lawn care. If left to sit, moisture can become trapped underneath and lead to mold and disease. Add raking and shoveling to your weekly schedule to avoid an intimidating build up of leaves, debris, snow, or ice this winter!  Don’t forget to safely store any outdoor furniture and lawn care equipment that’s left out.


Prepare for Winter with the Cultivation Experts

When it comes to winter lawn care, the best thing you can do is plan ahead before it gets too cold outside! As you get started, complete a quick inventory to make sure you have the right winter weather equipment and supplies on hand. To learn more about caring for your lawn, visit our blog page to read helpful tips and planting recommendations for every season! 

Need support this season? We’re here to help you prepare your lawn to thrive this winter! With expert, personalized consulting and the highest quality seeds, Curtis and Curtis Seed is your trusted friend in the seed industry.

Read More of our Lawn Care Tips


Find out how you can improve your tired soils.