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Which Cover Crop is Right for your Land?


Apr 27, 2020 12:03:43 PM

Are you looking for a cover crop that will benefit and protect the soil on your land? From restoration to beautification projects, and everything in between, our cultivation experts have years of experience supporting local and federal government organizations on land management projects. Here at Curtis and Curtis Seed, we have a vast selection of the highest quality cover crops to meet the unique needs of your land's climate and terrain. 

Ready to find the right seed mix for your needs?

Find the Right Cover Crop for Your Land  

From restoration to beautification projects, we have the best variety of seed blends for successful growth while maintaining seed industry regulations. As you begin your product search, you know that planting the right cover crop can help to improve soil quality and fertility, prepare land conditions for future crops, protect against erosion, and so much more. So, which cover crop is right for your land? 

Here are a few of our most popular seed mixes for public land and government use. 


This perennial legume is non-bloating and extremely winter hardy, featuring pea-like flowers that vary in color from pink to purple. Sainfoin blooms throughout the summer and is readily grazed by elk, deer, sheep, and cattle. This is an excellent cover crop option for hay and pasture and has a quick recovery after cutting or pasturing. 

Hairy Vetch

Our Hairy Vetch is a winter-active legume, that is a great cover crop for improving soils before crop planting in the spring and summer. The stems and leaves of Hairy Vetch are covered with a soft woolly fuzz, while the flowers bloom into a beautiful purple. This hardy plant is suited for wetter soils and colder winters throughout most of the U.S. and is often used for soil improvement along roadsides and bank stabilization. 

Fixation Clover

Our Fixation Balansa Clover is the most cold-tolerant annual clover, withstanding temperatures as low as -14˚F. Fixation can tolerate a variety of soil types and can even grow through short periods of standing water. This annual clover can break up soil compaction and improve nutrients to help with soil drainage and water infiltration due to its deep taproot system, which can reach 18" of growth in just 45 days.  

White Dutch Clover 

Introduced from Eurasia, White Dutch Clover naturalized to moist areas throughout the United States. While thriving in clay to silt-loam soils, this plant also does well in sandy soil if irrigation is available. This Nitrogen producing pasture legume can help to stabilize disturbed and eroding soil. Planting should take place in spring or late fall for cool climates and late in the summer for warm climates.

Interested in learning more about these seed mixtures and viewing our entire inventory of cover crop varieties? See more from our pasture and legume cover crop seeds. image2-2

Ready to Start Your Project? 

Our team has over 50 years of experience in the seed industry that allows us to provide expert consultation services to assist you in completing your project. We have full access to some of the most beautiful places in the world to hand-select each product here at Curtis and Curtis Seed. 

Once you've found the perfect seed mixture, place your order online to experience superior customer care and quick processing and delivery. 

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