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Simple Lawn Care Tips & Best Grass Seed for Fall


Sep 9, 2020 11:00:00 AM

As we approach the new season, it's a great time to refresh on proper lawn care and the best grass seed to prepare your lawn for fall. Providing proper care to your grass in the fall can ensure it will stand against harsh winter conditions and come back strong in the spring. Whether you have cool-season or warm-season grass, we're sharing a few simple lawn care tips that will make a big difference in your yard.

Continue reading below for tips and custom recommendations for your lawn. 

Tip #1: Identify the best grass seed for your home 

Depending on the location and conditions of your home, you will either have warm-season or cool-season grass. Identifying your grass type will help determine your lawn's specific needs this fall. For warm-season grasses, cool fall temperatures signal that their peak time has passed, and they will prepare to go dormant over the winter. On the contrary, cool-season grasses will peak in growth and become stronger under colder conditions. 

Need help finding the right grass seed for your lawn? Check out our wide selection of high quality warm-season grasses and cool-season grasses

Tip #2: Keep up regular maintenance 

The fall is no time to slow down on regular maintenance on your lawn! Continue mowing your lawn as needed or until it becomes dormant in the winter. While you may experience more precipitation in the fall, continue watering your lawn to ensure it's receiving its suggested amount, approximately 1" per week for most lawns. 

Tip #3: Rake fallen leaves 

Frequent raking ensures that your grass can receive sunlight to produce food and remain healthy. Leaves not only pose a threat by blocking sunlight but can also trap in moisture, which can lead to disease. Make a habit of raking as soon as leaves fall or blow into your yard. 

Tip #4: Aerate compacted soil 

Aerating your soil is especially helpful to cool-season grasses, as compacted soil inhibits root development and oxygen flow. Aerators create holes in the ground to invite air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the soil and promote growth. 

fall leaves fallen on a green lawn with the words we'll help you to make the most of your grass seed investment

Tip #5: Use the best grass seed 

Last, but not least, only invest in quality grass seed from trusted and experienced seed providers. Whether you're reseeding sparse areas or planting grass seed for the first time, a strong foundation is critical to maintaining a healthy lawn year-round. When purchasing grass seed, take a look at the analysis tag found on the bag to see the listed ingredients. If a product is full of unnecessary filler ingredients, don't waste your time or money on it! 

At Curtis and Curtis Seed, we hold our seeds to the highest standard to exceed industry regulations and customer expectations. Our cultivation experts are here to ensure you're selecting the best grass for your yard's unique needs. From planting instructions to maintenance tips, we'll help you to make the most of your grass seed investment. 

shady lawn blend bag of grass seed propped against a tree

Shady Lawn is one of the best solutions for shady areas! Creeping Red Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass are the components of this cool-season blend and will provide a wonderful environment for your shady area needs. See product details here! 

Need help finding the best grass blend for your lawn? Check out our helpful seed finder tool to find a great selection of grass seed for your specific needs. 

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