Curtis & Curtis Seed Blog

Selecting Quality Grass Seed For Your Lawn

Written by Curtis & Curtis Seed | Apr 14, 2022 7:37:29 PM

Whether you’re planting grass for a new yard or just touching up some sparse areas, growing a beautiful, thriving lawn starts with the type of grass seed you plant. For lush, lasting results, find a high-quality lawn grass seed well-adapted to your home’s conditions, region, and resources.

How to pick the right grass seed for your home

When choosing a grass seed for your home, you’ll want to consider a handful of things, including:

  • weather and conditions 
  • soil type
  • shade or sun exposure
  • aesthetic goals 

Different seed varieties exhibit unique traits, characteristics, and maintenance requirements that can help narrow your search. Check out a few of the things we look at when supporting our customers below.


Where you live will determine if you should plant cool-season or warm-season grass seeds. Cool-season grasses are typically found in the northern part of the U.S. and are active in the spring and fall months and slow down during the summer. Warm-season grasses are most often adapted to the southern part of the U.S. and thrive in the summer months before going dormant in the winter months.


Your home’s conditions will significantly impact the characteristics you look for in grass seed. Some grasses do well in shady lawns, while others require full sun. Some perform best in higher elevations while others do not. Some offer excellent tolerance to drought and heat, while others need plenty of water to thrive. Some can handle a summer of heavy foot traffic, while others are far less durable.  Consider the unique needs of your lawn and look for a grass seed that targets these conditions.

Desired Look

Achieving a specific color and density is often a big goal for homeowners. Depending on the shade of green you’re drawn to or the grass texture you wish to achieve, certain grass seeds and blends will deliver your desired results.


Grass seed is one of the most affordable solutions to achieving your dream lawn. While seed takes time to establish, the initial cost to purchase and spread is often lower than alternatives and allows more options. Planting a suitable variety for your region can even reduce the time and money spent on watering and caring for your lawn.


Read the seed analysis tag

When every grass seed product features a photo of a perfectly green lawn and promises of fast results, how can you be confident in the quality of the product you’re actually buying? The Federal Seed Act requires every seed product to feature a standard seed label, or seed analysis tag, that represents the contents of the bag or container. In this tag you’ll be able to see past the pretty packaging and learn more about the integrity of the product, as well as more insight on how much product you’ll need for your lawn.


Featured Grass Seed Blends

Quality grass seed plays a major role in the success of your lawn. At Curtis and Curtis Seed Company, we hold our products to the highest standards and go above and beyond to test, process, and deliver lasting results to our customers. Explore our featured products below, or visit our grass seed page to learn more about our wide range of turf and native grass species.

Sunny Lawn Blend

Sunny Lawn grass seeds will grow to be the lawn everybody wishes they had! Take on high foot traffic in the summer months with this sun-loving blend! This cool-season grass is heat-tolerant and widely adapted to most soils, requiring medium water usage.

Shady Lawn Blend

Mature lawns with mature trees can make growing grass in those shady areas a struggle. Our cool-season Shady Lawn Blend is the perfect solution for shade-covered yards composed of Creeping Red Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Perennial Ryegrass.

T.L.C. Tall Fescue Blend

This blend is a unique formulation of great-performing, compatible tall fescues that fit together to create a beautiful yet durable and hardy lawn. This blend provides years of beauty and durability with natural dark-green color, fine-leaved texture, deep roots, natural pest and disease resistance, and self-repairing rhizomes.

Bermudagrass, Sahara II

Sahara Bermudagrass II is low growing and very drought tolerant, with excellent durability, dark green color, and a fine texture. This warm-season grass is popular for home lawns, golf courses, sports turf, parks, and playgrounds.

Triangle Blend Bermuda

Bermuda, Triangle Blend is a warm-season variety of Bermuda turfgrass with great density and durability against foot traffic. This seed blend is an excellent option for sports fields, schools, parks, home lawns, and commercial landscapes.


We're a proud New Mexican seed company 

With over 24,500 farms and 43.2 million acres of farmland, the Land of Enchantment brings more to the table than just scenic landscapes and diverse terrain. Farming is a huge part of New Mexico’s history, with production being a top contributor to its economy. New Mexico’s top farming and agricultural commodities include livestock and crops. Read more about the impact of New Mexico agriculture.