Curtis & Curtis Seed Blog

Easy Lawn Care Tips To Prepare for Summer

Written by Curtis & Curtis Seed | Apr 3, 2020 2:00:00 PM

With warmer weather approaching, you may find yourself looking for little things you can do around the yard to start preparing it for summer. From backyard barbecues to fun outdoor activities, we're all looking forward to spending extra time outside. Here at Curtis and Curtis Seed, we want to help you make your yard look and feel its best long into those summer nights!

Take a look at our easy lawn care tips to make a big difference in your yard.

Tip #1: Use Quality Grass Seed 

Have you ever wondered what you're really putting in your yard? You'll always start with a healthy foundation when you use a quality seed when planting grass or reseeding sparse areas. When purchasing grass seed, take a look at the analysis tag on the bag and see what you're actually buying. In cheaper products you find at larger retailers, you'll often find shocking amounts of annual grass seeds, weeds, and other filler ingredients that lessen the quality of your product. 

At Curtis and Curtis Seed, we hold our seeds to the highest standard to exceed industry regulations and customer expectations. To ensure you're selecting a sustainable grass for your yard's unique needs, contact our experts for a free consultation to find the right seed blend for your land. From Sunny and Shady Lawn blends to Sports Park Lawn Blend, we have a wide selection of seeds for any lawn! 

Tip #2: Take Action to Control Weeds 

Nothing takes away from beautiful landscaping like unsightly weeds. Prevent crabgrass and other pesky weeds from germinating by using a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring. For more obvious, broadleaf weeds, use post-emergent herbicides to remove dandelions, clovers, and other weeds that pop up in warm-season lawns. When applying weed control products, always follow package directions and safety precautions.

Tip #3: Spread Fertilizer  

Is your grass missing something? Your lawn craves the nutrients found in quality fertilizers! Fertilizer spreads a mixture of chemicals like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium over your lawn to feed your soil and promote healthy growth throughout the year. Be sure to follow all directions and safety precautions listed on the package. 

Tip #4: Mow Frequently 

As you get out to mow the lawn, look over your lawnmower and check to make sure your blades are sharp and balanced for a clean cut. Next, adjust the blades’ cutting height appropriately for your grass type and climate. For warm-climate grasses, you'll want to keep your grass longer so it can protect the soil and base of the plant from the beating sun. With longer grass, you may find yourself mowing more often, but it's essential to maintaining the health of your lawn. In cool climates, you can get away with cutting your grass shorter to remove dead ends and allow the right amount of sunlight to reach through. 

Tip #5: Water Efficiently 

While light sprinklings may allow you to water your lawn more frequently, chances are the water evaporates before it's able to soak into your soil. Instead, try setting the sprinklers less regularly and in the early morning to give your soil more time to absorb the water deeply. Throughout the day, the sun will dry the moisture so that harmful molds and bacteria are unable to grow on wet grass overnight. 

Tip #6: Protect Your Landscaping 

You've worked hard to make your yard look beautiful! The last thing you want to do is damage any of the landscaping you've worked on. Use gardening tiles and mulch to protect trees, shrubs, and flower beds from the potentially harmful effects of weather, weeds, and regular lawn care.

Need help finding the right grass blend for your lawn? The cultivation experts at Curtis and Curtis Seed are here to help you maintain the health and longevity of your lawn.