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Caring for Your Farm in the Winter: January Seeding & Planning Crops


Jan 12, 2021 5:26:14 PM

After a year like 2020, this new year is an opportunity for farmers to start the year with a fresh slate, more motivated than ever to reach their goals in the upcoming growing season. Once crops have been harvested and stored, many farmers are faced with new-found “downtime” that the winter brings. 


No matter what area of farming you’re in, the new year is a great time to reset your focus and prepare your agriculture business for success in 2021.

How are farmers preparing for the new year?

We know that the winter is no time for farmers to slow down! January is a great time to start planning your upcoming crops, ordering seeds, maintaining equipment, analyzing data from the previous year, and more. So, what can you expect from farmers as they prepare for the upcoming season?

January seeding & planning crops

During the cold winter months, many farmers are busy making the final decisions about the crops they’ll be planting. There’s a lot that goes into this process, as they must consider several different factors. This includes analyzing the crops that were previously planted on their land, what the land’s soil quality is, how profitable each crop can be, and potential risks. Another critical factor farmers must consider is their budget for seeds, fertilizer, and maintenance. 


See some feature seed blends to help you start planning your crops below.

MindiaSpringOats BlueGrama SideoatsGramaElRino GreenSprangletopBuffalograssBowie

Repairing and maintaining equipment 

Many farmers use the winter to clean up and make necessary repairs to their equipment for spring planting. As needed, farmers will also purchase and replace equipment like tractors and planters, and other tools that are needed for farming operations.  


Reflect and set goals 

While most people are creating New Year’s resolutions to eat better and read more, farmers set their sights on goals directly related to their ag operations. Many of these goals include increasing yields, reducing losses, and ensuring everything runs smoothly. Take this time to reevaluate your finances for the upcoming year, search for new growth opportunities, and focus on goals that excite you.


Partner with a trusted name in the seed industry 

Selecting the right company to trust with your seed investment is a big decision. At Curtis and Curtis, we hold our products to the highest standard and have spent nearly 65 years helping farmers just like you. Plant with confidence, knowing that every seed that earns our label has been responsibly sourced and tested, passing our rigorous multi-point inspection. If your farm deserves the best, it deserves Curtis and Curtis Seed Company. 


To find the right seed for your land, visit our product page to browse our wide range of the highest quality seed or contact our team to schedule your personal consultation with our Cultivation Experts. 

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